Sep 282019
Time and Tide - Hallelujah!

Hallelujah – it is done. A yacht may only be able to travel at a slow speed, while navigating tides and winds, but through making  persistent steady progress, oceanic distances are travelled. Since last writing, through illness, whirlwhinds, obstacles, and upheavals of one kind and another, I have now completed cataloguing,  scanning, photographing, or editing read more…

Jun 182013
Painted Breadboards

I had the pleasure of having the generous assistance of Anita, a friend from choir,  helping me do some artwork recording for a few hours on Monday.  Anita creates multi-media artwork and has a website you can visit at’s fresh view, unencumbered by our family history, coupled with a bright enthusiasm, made the task read more…

Apr 092013
Join us on this journey

I am curating and recording my father Graham’s artwork posthumously, at present, on behalf of our family.  It is  rather a long job! So to keep me company,  you are invited to  join me here on this journey, and contribute if you would like to. I guess I’m quite well placed to do, what I read more…